July Newsletter

July Newsletter

AFF has something for you, yes you!


Africa Fintech Foundry (AFF) is delighted to bring you information that will certainly not leave you the same!

There is something for everyone – just sit, relax and enjoy.

This is how we aced our engagements this month; Our Start-ups were overly impressed:

AFF holds monthly pitch days to match start-ups with innovative technology solutions to our partner network in need of solutions. In the last version, we had an avalanche of requests and could only take a few.

Are you a start-up? Do you have an idea that needs to come to limelight, or you have an idea that needs some refining? AFF is the right place for you! You will get just what you need: Networking, Business advisory and many more!

In order to provide a unique learning opportunity for local entrepreneurs as well as foster productive dialogue and networking, AFF launched its Start-up Meetups. We bridge the knowledge gap faced by start-ups by partnering with subject matter experts to provide advice on a wide array of services.

Our latest workshop which held last week session was absolutely out of this world. Wecovered Corporate Structure for Start-ups. The key learning points from attendees include but not limited to shareholder structure, data protection laws, compliance, equity types, tax incentives and trademarks.

We’ll be sharing details of our next meetups on our social media handles.


Your experience would definitely be a memorable one.

Are you a Parent? Do you want the best for your kids? Do you want to ensure that your kids are not left out of the digital revolution? If yes, then this is for you!

Africa Fintech Foundry (AFF) in partnership with Access Women Network is holding the second version of its summer program on building the intellectual capacity of young adults, while helping them build a unique interest in Information technology.

This year, our one-week program will focus on 2 areas – Mobile Application Development and Game Development. Game Development will teach the fundamentals of using game engines to design and create game scenarios, while Mobile Application Development will cover the creation of Android apps.

The Programme would be free, however AFF will only admit children with an Early Savers Account with a minimum average balance of N 20,000 in the last 3 months.

This is our way of rewarding parents for banking with us.

The Programme is scheduled to hold as follows:
Venue: Africa Fintech Foundry,
Plot 1216 Ibiyinka Olorunbe Close,
Victoria Island, Lagos.
Date: 19th – 23rd August 2019.
Time: 9am to 1pm daily.
For more information, follow us on Instagram here


Technology Statistics
• The world generates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily!
• 90% of the world’s data was generated only in the last 2 years.
• On the average, Google now processes more than 40,000 searches every second (3.5 billion searches per day)!

• ‘’Innovation and change is not a technical problem, It’s a mindset’ (Vijay Govindarayan)
• Innovation is everyone’s job
• ‘I believe Innovation is the most powerful force that would change the world’(Bill Gates)
• Invention is not enough. Tesla invented the electric power we use, but he struggled to get it out to people. You have to combine both things: invention and innovation focus, plus the company that can commercialize things and get them to people (Larry Page)

Technology News
• The World’s largest Internet restaurant Company, Rebel, quietly raised $125 Million this month
• Apple has suspended Siri response grading in response to concerns raised by Apple contractors who regularly hear confidential details on Siri recordings in their process of analyzing Siri’s performance
• Google has also been ordered to halt human review of voice AI recordings on their Google Assistant service over privacy risks
• Facebook is currently under investigation by federal trade Commission (FTC) as to whether companies acquired by it were done with the intent to prevent them from becoming rivals
• Flutterwave’s partnership with China’s biggest E-commerce platform, AliPay to facilitate payments between merchants of both platforms opens up opportunities for merchants to accept payment especially those barred from receiving payments via Paypal.
• Google Maps Nigeria will be tailored to travel by Danfo and Okadas
• Jumia is tackling issues that arise around consumers shying away from e-commerce due to high cost of delivery fees. They have introduced a monthly subscription service of N2,000 for free shipping
• Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, the biggest streamer ever, is leaving Twitch for Microsoft’s Mixer

5) YOUR FEEDBACK is helping us serve you better.
In the first half of 2019, we rolled out what was unarguably the biggest technology conference in Africa with over 11,000 registered participants and 13,000 attendees. Your feedback from this is redefining our conversations for the future.

Watch out, we will keep you posted through our electronic media (social media and email).

6) Let’s Get Social!

7) Get updates about our meetups, summer schools and other events by following our social media handles. We will be also be giving out some freebies in the course of the month through our social media

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